Feminist-Artistic Infrastructure for Change

A BILLBOARD will be installed along the tracks near Zurich main station. Those expecting advertisements will be surprised: for a year, nothing less than an inclusive, feminist future will be promoted.

Open Call

Write up to 96 characters for women! The BILLBOARD will serve as the impressive infrastructure for changing content. The selected entries will be displayed on the BILLBOARD for up to one month. The 5x18 meter large BILLBOARD will be positioned facing the tracks.

Over the course of the project, the entries will develop a collective vision—sometimes provocative, sometimes humorous, sometimes critical, sometimes poetic, always feminist. The BILLBOARD will spark discussions and encourage reflection and change in existing structures and ways of thinking.


The BILLBOARD renders visible the perspectives, experiences, and realities of women. From a feminist perspective, we aim to highlight the following topics, among others: care, body, solidarity, stereotypes, womanhood, inclusion, power, politics, generations, work, money, climate, and nature.

Whether through clear statements, wordplay, aphorisms, subtle ambiguities, painful experiences, statistical evidence, short poems, tragicomic facts, clever word juxtapositions, unsettling truths, surprising “aha” moments, stirring thoughts, profound questions, or touching honesty — we want to know what moves you!


Your entry should consist of individual text characters (letters, numbers, special characters). If your statement requires a specific arrangement of characters, you can show this directly in the downloadable flyer and send it to us by mail. Print our flyer or pick one up at one of our Flyer Stations. You can also submit your entry online.


Entries in all languages are welcome. Your entry should be self-created and original. Existing slogans or political group slogans, quotes from literature or art, or other existing texts may not be submitted. Discriminatory or racist entries will not be considered.


Located at a central site along the railway tracks between Zurich main station and Langstrasse, the BILLBOARD enjoys unique visibility: up to half a million commuters per day will carry these messages into the world. The changing content will also be highly visible to pedestrians on the Negrelli bridge and Zollstrasse. Thus, the BILLBOARD will temporarily shape the cityscape and sustainably change the social dialogue on current feminist issues.


Your Submission* The BILLBOARD can fit up to 96 characters, incl. spaces, You can find a sketch of the BILLBOARD on the Flyer.
There are  characters, incl. spaces, left.
For non-English entries, we ask you to provide us with a translation of your submission in English or German.
Note Is there anything you would like us to know about your submission?
Categories* Which category/categories do/es your submission thematically address?

Own category

Contact Details Your information will be treated confidentially and will not be published. We look forward to notifying you via email if your submission is selected for publication on the BILLBOARD.
First and Last Name*
Email Address*
Name for publication* Please let us know under which name or pseudonym we may publish your submission or whether you wish to remain anonymous.

Terms of Participation   Privacy Policy



Anyone with a connection to Switzerland can participate—whether as an individual, group, collective, organization, institution, or other association. Participation is available online via the submission form or by mail with the completed flyer.

Selection Process

A jury will select and curate the most compelling entries for publication on the BILLBOARD.

The selection criteria are thematic relevance and importance, as well as linguistic conciseness and expressiveness. The number and selection of entries will not by category. The jury process is not public.


Start of Open Call
September 19, 2024

Submission Deadline (Online or Postmarked)
October 31, 2024, 11:59 PM

March 8, 2025

March 2025 to March 2026

Terms of Participation

By participating, authors agree that their entries may be published on the BILLBOARD and the website under their given name, pseudonym, or anonymously, as preferred. Participants guarantee that they hold all rights to the entry. They release créatrices from any third-party claims regarding the use of the entry. Entries must include personal details and contact information. Multiple entries are allowed. The entries will be made available to créatrices for use in connection with the BILLBOARD project (display on the physical BILLBOARD at Wilden Platz for a yet-to-be-determined number of days, publication on the website for an indefinite period, dissemination, and publication in print for documentation and promotional purposes). The Open Call serves to develop content for the BILLBOARD; the physical implementation of the entries will be carried out by créatrices.

Gender-Specific Wording

We aim to focus the BILLBOARD on women, meaning all individuals who identify as women, namely cis, trans, and intersex women. For this reason, we have consciously chosen to use the term women in our Open Call.

Flyer Stations

Rote Fabrik, Zähringer, PBZ Schütze, PBZ Zentrum, PBZ Aussersihl, Duplikat Buch & Papier, Paranoia City Bookshop Zurich, Zollhaus, Art History Institute Library, Zurich Literature House, ETHZ Construction Library, Schaufensterklub



The BILLBOARD is initiated by cré — a network and association founded in 2017 that connects, curates, designs, and develops with the aim of making visible women’s achievements in the environment and life. The BILLBOARD is a follow-up initiative from FrauMünsterhof21. The idea for the BILLBOARD comes from WILLIPILZ — a collective of Nelly Pilz and Florence Willi. They work at the intersection of installation, mediation, and art, particularly focusing on urban space, inclusion, and equality.

The project team includes Tina Arndt, Simone Blum, Natalie Bringolf, Lena Hegger, Miyuki Inoue, Dominique Lorenz, Michèle Mambourg, Martyna Maniak-Hüsser, Anna Osterberg, Nelly Pilz, Yvonne Schneider, Simone Spillmann, Cornelia Staffelbach, Florence Willi, Barbara Wiskemann, Beatriz Würsch.





The BILLBOARD will be installed at Wilden Platz, a small wilderness area between Zollstrasse and the SBB railway field in Zurich. The property is leased by the Kalkbreite Cooperative, to whom we are very grateful for their support!